Known for: Drummer in The Beatles
Known for: Anarchy, Genesis, The Big Bang
Known for: Fantastic Mr. Fox, Ocean's Eleven, Batman & Robin, From Dusk Till Dawn, ER
Known for: Frank Gallagher in Shameless (US), Bill Porter in Door to Door, Jurassic Park III, Dr. David Morgenstern in ER
Known for: Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, The Green Mile, Woody in Toy Story, Big
Known for: Alice in Wonderland, Jane Eyre, In Treatment
Known for: A Song Of Ice And Fire, Game Of Thrones, The Armageddon Rag
Known for: Emeril Green, Emeril Live, Essence of Emeril, Marlon the Gator in The Princess and the Frog
Known for: Drummer in Metallica
Known for: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, Independence Day, Zach Nichols in Law & Order: Criminal Intent