Known for: American Pie, Harold & Kumar, American Beauty
Known for: Your Body Is a Wonderland (Single), Room for Squares (Album), Heavier Things (Album)
Known for: Pirates Of The Caribbean, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Known for: Gold Digger (Single), Stronger (Single), The College Dropout (Album),
Known for: Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves, Dances With Wolves, Modern West (Band)
Known for: Keyboardist in Barenaked Ladies, Kevin Hearn And Thin Buckle, Rheostatics
Known for: Pokerface (Single), Bad Romance (Single), Born This Way (Album), The Fame (Album),
Known for: The Hunger Games, Are You Gonna Go My Way (Album), It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over (Single)Mama Said (Album)
Known for: Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) (Album), The High End of Low (Album), Portrait of an American Family (Album)
Known for: Guns N' Roses, Velved Revolver,