We held him hostage

Growing up in NYC I have had many run ins with celebrities and I know that there is a time, place and a way to interact with celebrities when you do see them IE don’t stop them on the street, walk up to them when they are eating so this was the perfect scenario and to have it with such a famous celebrity is still surreal. While attending a friends wedding at the Mondrian in NYC when my husband noticed Morgan waiting for the elevator as well. We got there as the elevator did as Morgan was waiting a few seconds and he totally tried to door close us. But my husband got his arm in and up we went. Being that this is one of moments where you can actually talk to a celebrity and not feel like an asshole we all expressed our admiration and asked for a photo which was declined so my friend Ian started being all like dude and my husband was like Morgan you’re taking the picture bc in reality it’s along ride to the top. Was he nice? Not until we told him to and he realized he was stuck in there with us. Not to mention my husband is 6”4. He was definitely standoffish, we totally came out of no where in his mind. But compared to others celebrities I’ve met he wasn’t the worst and i do have the picture. In reality i was This is not the wax museam or Nelson Mandela. This is also from February 2016
Photo of Morgan Freeman by Jennifer Myers

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