About 7 years ago in New York, I met Dan Aykroyd when he saw his good friend, Jim Belushi does his first Broadway production
I was standing outside the theater not realizing that Dan was standing right next to me. He and I had a rather decent conversation and spoke to one another likes two spectators or "Average Joe"s.
I asked him may I take a photo of him with my "old-school" cameara, and he granted my wish.
I didn't see a mean bone in his body, but he was pretty much just chilling like I was.
Perhaps if he wasn't mean to me is because when I acknowledged him, I didn't act a fool and get in his face like so many fans do, is why some of them get pissed off because of wild, pushy, and even rude fans trying to hang on their every word and monitor their every move.
I let him know that I was a fan of his but did it in a way he would be genuinely appreciative of.
Dan,if you're reading this, thanks again for allowing me to chat with you for a little bit!
I kind of hope I see you again whether you're acting in a production yourself, or performing with Jim Belushi at a "Blues Brothers" concert. Thanks for seeing my admiration for what it is.
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