Class act, that guy.

I can echo "Dan Ackroyd isn't the coolest guy ever" sentiment (albeit with lots of hearsay). I went to school at the University of Florida back in the early 90s. 1990s. Gainesville, the college town, is right next to where the Phoenix family resides (or at least did then). So River Phoenix was around all the time. That was also when River died of an OD. So there was a huge funeral in Gainesville. And many many celebs came to pay their respects, among them Elwood Blues himself. And several (meaning a half-dozen) of my hot female college friends talked about Dan the Man being blitzed and hitting on them repeatedly and sleazily. He also apparently walked right behind the bar at one of my faves and just started pouring drinks for himself. Class act, that guy.

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I can confirm how odd Dan is, because, you know, it is very important....

And with a dead stare he said "prick".

I'm another person who can confirm Dan Aykroyd superb personality. I'm 20 and used to...

I was assaulted by Dan Aykroyd in a strip club bathroom in Kingston, Ontario

The incident occurred in fall 2001. At the time, and I'm not sure if...

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