And with a dead stare he said "prick".

I'm another person who can confirm Dan Aykroyd superb personality. I'm 20 and used to work at one of the movie theatres in Kingston (I wont be to specific, but it rhymes with Cineplex). He was a frequent patron of the theatre, and as a result almost everyone who worked there has a story. I actually have two tales of his "upstanding" character. Anyway, one night while I was working the concession stand, Aykroyd was in my line with his wife. When he finally reached the till, he was pondering what to order, even though he had at least 20 minutes to figure that out already, when his wife said to him, "get me some candy". Instead of asking what kind she would like (i.e, one or two choices), he whips out his huge stack of cash and asks for TWO of EVERYTHING! Now we didn't have a small selection of candy, at all. I believe we had a minimum 25 different choices at any given time, thus making his order somewhere in the range of 50 bags. He even went as far as to ask if their is some sort of bulk deal for purchasing that much. There wasn't. So he threw down some cash and walked away with his truck of candy. My second story, was when I was an usher working the floor. It was opening night for a movie, I can't remember which one, probably twilight though. Needless to say their were lines wrapped around the building of people patiently waiting for their chance to get a decent seat. As we finished cleaning the previous showing, Mr Aykroyd approaches myself and another employee who was helping clean, this time with one of his, I presume "goons" and said "I want to be seated before you let everyone else in". Not being sure what the right move here was, him being a BIG MOVIE STAR and all, I calmly said no, turned around, opened the velvet stanchion holding the mass crowd of single filed people, and said enjoy your show. I turned around and looked at him, and with a dead stare he said "prick". He said this to me! I was prick in this situation. Not him, me.

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