Dan Aykroyd came into my daycare's nativity production during christmas and did some weird stuff.
I can confirm how odd Dan is, because, you know, it is very important. When I was a little guy I went to daycare in Kingston, Ontario with his daughter Belle. The only memory that I have of Dan at that time was during the Christmas pageant that the daycare put on. From memory the pageant is roughly two hours long and consists of a nativity scene with all 40 students.
Anyways, I was standing up on stage with Belle and all the other kids who were all either shepherds, wise men, and all the other nativity characters. Everything was going well, but half-way through the performance, the back door to the auditorium burst open spilling harsh fluorescent light onto us all.
Everyone turned their heads to look and so did all the kids. Maybe some people thought through the white light that Jesus Himself would appear, but that couldn't have been further from the truth, let alone rational thought.
It was Dan Aykroyd and his Goons. They slowly walked up the middle of the seating area, dressed in all black. I didn't know who Dan was at this point so I thought they were a group of dangerous gang members in an all-too-dangerous Kingston.
Dan and his Goons approached their seats and sat down. The silence remained. This is what strikes me to believe that Dan is a weirdo:
-He let everyone blankly stare at him for some time in silence
-He had a straight face on the whole time
-He snapped his fingers to get the piano player to start the show
-He stayed for about 10 minutes before leaving
My experience with Dan is not physical at all, but it is an encounter nonetheless. I guess with all of his Canadian fame you have to at least go a little bit crazy.
DAN, if you read this I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for doing a horrible job in the pageant. My staff was made out of brown cardboard for fuck sakes...
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