A cool dude

I was out at a restaurant in New Jersey and he was there with Jennifer Garner. Everyone noticed them, and they smiled and waved when people did, but luckily everybody was polite and respectful. Around the time it came to pay the bill, the waitress told us that the credit card system had gone down, so we either had to wait until it came back up or pay cash. I told my girlfriend to wait at the table while I went down the street to the ATM. It was like 20 below. While I was waiting for my money, Affleck busts into the little ATM shelter shivering and says "Goddamn it's cold out! Can you believe the credit card system went down in that place?" We talked for a little bit about nothing in particular, and jogged back to the restaurant together. He introduced Jen to both of us, and then we headed out. My girlfriend had already gotten our coats and they were still waiting, so we left first. As I was leaving, I shouted "Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms!" back into the restaurant. He just sorta smiled and shook his head at what an idiot I was. My girlfriend was horrified.
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