A don't-you-fucking-talk-to-me-you-piece of shit look
A few years ago I was playing a 9 hole golf course(Interbay) when I had heard that Dave Mathews was on the course, celebrating some kids birthday. Since I don't give a shit about Dave Mathews I played the rest of my round. As I am walking back to my car, I pass a group of kids using the putting green as a playground. I think to myself "ahh nice parenting, that is real respectful to other other golfers." I look to my left, and there is Dave Mathews giving me one of the dirtiest look I have ever received. I never bothered him, or his kids, but he was staring me down with that "don't-you-fucking-talk-to-me-you-piece of shit" look. Well guess what Dave, I don't want to talk to you, and keep your kids off the putting green.
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