A night in an amazing suite with him, just the two of us
I was invited in the VIP of a high end club by Drake's security guard where he was partying with his entourage. He was very low key, talking only to his friends and a couple of the models, we caught eyes a couple times but I didn't say anything. Later his security asked me to come back to Drake's hotel and took me up to his room.
I spent the night in an amazing suite with him, just the two of us. I was so nervous at first but he was so understanding and kind, although I think my nerves made him feel a little bashful. He was very polite and a gentleman the whole time. He offered me a drink, we talked about his music and touring, I offered to show him my own music and he said he'd love to hear it (but my phone was dead, CRAP!). He never pressured me, asking me what I felt like doing, I said I wanted to take a shower and he even laid out pajamas for me (some Nike Jordan shorts and a grey tee). He asked me to stay the night so we could get breakfast in the morning and his entourage even looked after my best friend who was waiting in the lobby downstairs.
I'm sure a lot of you can probably tell what happened after that (hehe) but all in all he was really sweet, polite, respectful, and definitely didn't treat me anything like a groupie (I expected that from an A-list rapper). We spent a couple hours talking and he told me it was the happiest he'd been in a while (smooth dude). He treated me as an equal despite the fact I was a fan. Great guy! Hope to meet him again some day
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