I met Vic Wooten at a clinic he did in Utah about 8 or 9 years ago. He had made a commitment to do the clinic sometime before but the Flecktones tour had some issue so he missed the clinic. But he made good on it a few weeks later and flew to SLC from Virginia the morning after a show, did the clinic that night, then flew back to the East Coast the next morning to catch up to the Flecktones for a show that night.
So not only did he give up his day off, he flew x-country and back twice in two days.
I got to the clinic early since I was a teacher at the sponsoring music school, and went backstage where he was setting up his gear. Everything was borrowed but his signature yin/yang bass. But the music school got him the newer model of the loop sampler pedal that he normally uses. Enough was changed that he couldn't figure out how to make one feature work. This was back before the days of smartphones, of course, so I called my roommate, made hm look up the manual online, and he narrated the instructions to us.
Vic was a super friendly guy, and he was very appreciative.mthen we just hung out and shot the breeze until the show starts. One of the nicest people I've ever met, not to mention a musician of transcendent talent, and hugely committed to music education.
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