My wife and I got married on the beach in Texas and decided to honeymoon in Vegas. A good time was had by all. On the last day we were having a drink at the airport waiting for our flight. There was one other guy near us at the bar and we were talking football.
My wife leaned over to us and asked who the guy behind us was. I didn't recognize him and said "nobody." a few minutes go by and my wife leans over again and says she knows he is someone famous but doesn't know who. I look back again, study him, then turn back and say, "well, he looks like O.J. Simpson ... And that looks like Flavor Flav."
Flav, upon hearing me gives me a "Yeah boy."
Suddenly, me, my wife and the other guy at the bar are in a conversation with Juice and Flav. We talk for just a bit when OJ asks why we are in Vegas. I told him, hesitantly, I might add, we just got married and were on our honeymoon.
OJ replies, gods honest truth, "Congratulations. And take it from me, treat your woman right."
They pay their bill and leave.
The bar sat stunned as everyone realized I just got marriage advice from OJ FUCKING SIMPSON.
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