Emma Stone

Emma Stone

6th Nov 1988 (36 years old)

As I was being all tourist-y in the NBC Store

As I was being all tourist-y in the NBC Store at the Rockefeller Center in New York, I heard someone with a very familiar voice chatting it up with the cashier. I remember the cashier asking that person when she's going to go the natural route with her hair color again. Lo and behold, it was Emma Stone. Her name escaped me at first but I mustered the courage to go up to her and ask if she's "the one who's gonna play Mary Jane Watson in the upcoming Spider-Man remake." She smiled and said no, but she was going to be Gwen Stacy. She had who I'm assuming is her assistant with her and they seemed to be in a rush because she was going to host SNL that time but she graciously posed for a picture with me.
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