I met Geoffrey Rush at a film festival in Australia a while back. He was doing a Ana for Elizabeth 2. Afterwards, he came up to me because I’d actually nodded off in the front row due to lack of sleep. I gave him all I had on me to sign.
Marlon Brando’s autobiography. We were surrounded by a big group of people and yet he stood there, unfazed and told me a story about how years ago he went to a dinner with Brando (who was huge at the time)
After the dinner - Brandi asked Geoffrey is he wanted to smoke a joint. Of course - Rush accepted and after they were suitable stoned, he looked up at Brandi and thought he was staring at Buddha.
It was overwhelmed being surrounded by all of those people and Rush telling me the story. He took my book and signed it under the word Brando - with the words ‘Whom I once dined with’. What a top guy. I cherish that book.
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