I live in the same town as Elliott and his brother Hermie, and my grandfather was on his brother's pit crew up until 1997, after which he drove an oil truck for their father
In all my dealings with Elliott (and his wife for that matter) he has been very rude. He calls himself "The pride of Emporia" and acts like he owns the damn town.
The worst part is most of the residents let him believe that.
He flips his fucking shit if you step on, or ride a four wheeler on any land he owns, even if you didn't even realize it was posted land.
He also cussed out my uncle when hunting with him for missing a deer...and my uncle was going blind at this point in his life!
He speeds like crazy despite the fact that Emporia is a fucking giant speedtrap and never gets ticketed. Why? Because he's Elliott motherfucking Sadler.
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