Back in 1991 my friend called me and said "Sinbad is flying in you might meet him if you get up here.
My friend worked at the private terminal at the Norfolk airport where all the private planes land. I sat in the lobby and watched a Lear jet land. Low and behold Sinbad gets off the plane grabs a duffel bag walks right by me down a long hallway.
I waited a minute and went down the hallway and sat on the couch while Sinbad frantically dialed a pay phone and looked worried.We made eye contact and I said "Got a show tonight Sinbad?"
He said his brother was supposed to have a limo waiting which never showed up. He asked where he could get a cab.
I said "Sinbad I do stand up comedy (which I do) I can run you out to your gig at Norfolk State."
He said "Come on man let's go!"
He threw his bag in the back and we drove to the gig.
He knew a comedian I knew so we talked about comedy.
Once we got there he gave an all access backstage pass. He got out of the car his brother saw him and came running up and asked what happened Sinbad said "The limo didn't show up If it wasn&'t for my man here I wouldn't have made it!"
I saw the show backstage and all.
What a great guy!!!
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