I met St. Pierre at the UFC 57 weigh-ins in Vegas.
He was at the pre-authograph session prior to the event.
I was waiting in line when the fighters were told that they had to leave for the weigh-ins.
I was in line when St. Pierre and his buddy David Loiseau came walking to the doors where the weigh ins were taking place. Loiseau was apologizing to the waiting fans for not being able to meet and greet all of them, while handing out pre-signed autographs.
St. Pierre kept walking with his head down, and hands in his pocket. I called to him and said I'm from Canada. He stopped in his tracks, turned to me and smiled.
I proceeded to talk to him as he just stood silently listening, and smiling. After a good 40 seconds of gushing to him I asked for a picture with him. He immediately rolled his eyes, turned around and kept walking.
I am conflicted because it was really cool of him to stop and take a minute to engage with a fan.... on the other side he snubbed me at the same time.
I know he didn't owe me a picture, and he was probably busy/tired of doing it, but I felt like a douche for asking.
I still like him as a fighter though.
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