Paul Walker

Paul Walker

12th Sep 1973 (51 years old)

Cut in line

When I was around 13, after a day at the beach in Malibu, I went with my family to Starbucks. There was a pretty long line in which I patiently waited my turn. Then right as I'm one person from the registers, Paul Walker walks in with some hot little trophy bimbo and cuts in line directly in front of me. I was to shy to say anything, but before I could even get a chance the Barista tells him loudly and firmly to get in the back of the line and wait like everyone else. Paul tried to make up some excuse why he was cutting in line in front of some little kid, and I dont remember exactly what he said but the Barista wasn't buying it. He then quickly leaves the the shop pissed and thoroughly embarrassed. I've always held a special place in my heart for Starbucks Baristas since that day.
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