Tara Reid

Tara Reid

8th Nov 1975 (49 years old)

Do not know what her problem was...

When I was 16, I saved up and bought the really expensive ticket package for the Motley Crue concert happening in my town, for both myself and my best friend. It totalled around $800, and I got a big bag of swag, front row, center seats, and backstage passes with photos and chat time and whatever. Pretty big deal for a 16 year old girl… The girl in the seat next to me turned out to be Tara Reid, during the time American Pie was popular. I tried to say hi before the show, and when I turned to her to try and get her attention, she screamed, and this ENORMOUS body guard man grabbed my arm, and pushed me away. Mind you, I am in front of my designated seat, and the show hadn't even started yet. She demanded I be kicked out of the venue and screamed at me for a good solid two minutes until the ushers came over, saw how much I had paid for my tickets, and told her she needed to leave. Must've been fucking Tommy, because she sat behind his drumset for the rest of the show....

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