I was a at a club in Toronto a couple months ago when he showed up.
About 20 people tried to approach to him but his personal bodyguard kept sending them away and like an hour later, the guy went to the bathroom leaving Joel alone for a couple mins.
My brother is a huge Deadmau5 fan so all I wanted was to take a picture of him or get his autograph in the best scenario.
All I could say to him was "Hi Joel, my brother is a huge fan of yours and I think your music is really cool too so I was wondering if you could...", he said "cool, I don't give a sh*t" and turned around right before his bodyguard returned.
Whoa, he's such a diva, I saw other 5 or 6 people trying to approach and he kept being a douche to all.
I mean, sure I know he wasn't there for a freaking autograph session or meet & greets but I hope he realizes that he's where he is because of his fans.
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