Andy Bell

Andy Bell

25th Apr 1964 (60 years old)

Ended up inviting me out to go barhopping

Was in a gay bar called Hydrate on the first night that the festivities for the Gay Games were going to go on in town in Chicago. Got flaked out on by several friends and was about ready to leave the club when an Erasure music video came on. "Meh. I'll enjoy this song and go." Halfway through the song, a loud group of people came walking in. I figure maybe there will be someone I'll know eventually as things in the neighborhood were ramping up, so I scooted over to the window to sit at a table in the corner so I could see the whole crowd in the bar from one spot. People keep coming in. Louder and louder. And then Andy Bell walks in. (He's the singer for Erasure if you don't know) The area immediately around me was the only spot large enough for the posse and followers, so his boyfriend/partner at the time, Paul Hickey, ended up sitting right next to me. Andy was being swarmed by fans, so I just watched with bemusement. Paul ended up chatting me up, we talked for a good bit. Genuinely nice man, probably one of the sweetest and endearing guys I've ever met... especially right out of the blue. Immediately like old buds talking again. After things finally settled down a bit, Andy came over to sit next to Paul and relax. I leaned over to Paul to quietly tell him that I had a confession: I actually had been a fan of Erasure for 15 years but was sitting over there because I didn't want to be that "another fan trying to annoy him into giving me attention." With that, Paul looks at me, grabbed me by the arm and MADE me sit in between him and Andy. He gets up, tells Andy that we should talk while he goes to get some drinks. Andy was largely overwhelmed so we had smalltalk and I just tried not to impose as much as I could. (He was brought in to sing for the opening ceremonies for the Gay Games at Soldier field, brought in backup singers and when he was getting ready to practice, he was told his set of 6 songs would be cut down to 2. He was upset because he wanted to give his fans a nice proper mini set instead of a cameo.) Paul and I continued talking for most of the night while we babysat Andy and kept him largely protected from fans who wanted to mob him. They ended up inviting me out to go barhopping with them. It was strange seeing lines for the usual bars I'd not go to if I could help it... and then being told to sneak in through the back and having security treat me like royalty. We kept in touch after, through Myspace, of all places. He sent me the friend request. Paul passed away a few months ago. Felt like I lost an old friend when I only hung out with him for a night.
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