"Enjoy your stay in NY!"

When we were in New York on vacation, Matthew Broderick was, i guess, rehearsing for this musical he was in, "Good Business if you can get it" or somerthing. My parents and I were walking out of an ice-cream store in the Meatpacker district and this guy in a grey suit and a baseball cap walked past. My mom kind of said "IS THAT-?" or something like it, and you could see him visibly realise that he had been spotted, haha he kind of laughed and shook his fist in mock-irritation, and said something like, "uggh, you got me". Since I'm a huge Ferris Bueller fan, we took some photos together, and he was really funny and obliging. He talked with my dad about our vacation plans and recommended good sightseeing places. It seemed like although he really had somewhere to be, he was willing to chat with some fans, and told us to enjoy our stay in new york really genuinely. All in all he was an awesome guy and i'm proud to say that i met him :)
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