Tobey Maguire when I was visiting the set of Brothers. They filmed the movie in the sound stages at my school and so I had the opportunity to visit the set a few times as well as knew people who worked on the film.
Tobey had rules on set, one of them being that nobody was allowed to look him in the eye and if you did, he would demand you were fired. This happened to my friend on his first day before he had time to learn Tobey's rules.
I also remember that he had his own personal chef in his trailer, but still spent every crew break standing in the middle of the craft services tent, pretending like he was just hanging out, talking to nobody. He just stood there while people ate. I think he liked that he was the obvious sight in the room and yet, nobody was allowed to look at him.
I've heard even more horror stories from other friends who worked with him in various capacities on other films, he seems like an all around, 24/7 asshole.
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