Gave me one of the craziest nights I'll ever remember
I will preface this by saying I'm a 24 year-old white male.
I took a business trip to Los Angeles back in February and ran into DMX and one of his baby mamas in the hotel lobby. Ended up going to dinner with him (to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.), and, after the baby mama left, we walked around Universal City taking pictures with fans. He tried to wingman for me by saying I was his security, but it didn't work. (This entire time, it's just him and I. No entourage)
Then we went to Saddle Ranch and he did karaoke of his own song (Where Da Hood At) and he bought him and I double shots of Hennessy the whole night. Then a couple people from his entourage showed up, we headed back to his hotel room, and smoked some of the craziest green I've ever seen (don't get that kind of bud out here). We listened to a few songs off of his upcoming album including a song he's doing with Snoop (it's called Shit Don't Change, but when we listened to it, only X's verse was on it).
After we passed the blunt, he passed out on a chair, and I left the room (no chance to say good-bye because who the HELL would wake up DMX. I don't want him barking at me). Nailed my presentation the next day.
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