Got a signed photo

My dad owned a liquor store in Malibu near the homes of many celebrities. I worked there for a summer and a couple regular shoppers included Denise Richards, Jay Leno and Drew Barrymore. (My dad stocked these smoothies called Odwalla solely on her request. She was the only one who ever bought them) However, his best customer by far was none other than Mark Hamill. He was on a first name basis with my dad. He came in maybe 3 times a week and always bought 4 packs of "True Blue" cigarettes. (Again, something my dad carried specifically for him) His career wasn't doing too well I guess. He drove a crappy car and his shirts were always some free promo item from a cartoon. I remember he wore a Pokemon shirt once. When I finally got the nerve to talk to him, I told him I was a big fan of Star Wars. The next time he came, he gave me a signed photo of him hanging onto Slave Leia. He signed it "To Justin, FORCEFULLY yours, Mark Hamill". Great guy.
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