Got my picture taken with Kevin Smith and Walter Gretzky.
Kevin came to Toronto to help promote Walter Gretzky's (he's the father of Wayne Gretzky if that means anything to anyone outside Canada) hockey tournament that he has every year to raise money for charity and it's also the biggest hockey tournament in the world.
I think at the time it was early 2010, so they hadn't reached the world record yet and Kevin was doing publicity to raise awareness of the tournament by doing a press confrence at the Second City theatre.It was originally suppose to be just a press event, but you could email your name in to go if the event didn't fill up (which I did and got in).
So I go to the event and out he comes with Walter and they start fielding questions. A lot of the time the reporters were asking Kevin about his movies and his future with them and Kevin graciously answered them while trying to keep it on topic because he wasn't there to promote his movies. It was all pretty cool, and then at the end they said everyone could come on stage and get pictures with them.
I was really excited about this, as the whole reason I came to the event was to meet Kevin (and Walter) and had brought my camera for this purpose. I was with one of my friends, so we waited patiently in line while other people got their photos taken. I told my friend to go up before me since I had the camera around my neck, and right after I took the picture the manager for the event announced that they were running late and Kevin/Walter had to leave.
I was fucking heart broken, and things started moving in slow motion. I remember looking at the event manager, then at Kevin and Walter who were both looking directly at me (as I was next in line) and seeing that I was upset about this.
Then Kevin said something awesome. "Just one more picture, come on up" and I (and a few more people after me before the manager got pissed) got my picture taken with Kevin Smith and Walter Gretzky.
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