Paul Opacic

Paul Opacic

1st Jan 1966 (59 years old)

great guy

I met Paul Opacic from hollyoaks in 2011. I was on my way to see my nana with my mum. We stopped off to get flowers in Tesco for her. When we were at the meat section is saw him stood with a hat on. I passed him again as I was going down the aisle he looked at me smiled winked and said hi. I went bright red and just managed to say hi back. He was at the next check out to me and my mum, my mum said "Can my daughter have a photo with you please?". He said "No" laughed and said "Of course she can." He smiled when he saw it was me, introduced himself and had a photo with me, it was three days before Christmas, he said to my mum and myself merry Christmas nice to meet you.
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