he bought me some coffee

Neil Patrick Harris took me out for coffee twice, and for a smoothie three times. How this happens: my mom got a job at a local casino. Her shift manager, whom I'll call Sally, worked as a magician's assistant for 10 years in Los Angeles before moving here. Sally got to meet Neil and became good friends with him. And they've been friends for years. Well, he'll actually come here to visit her every now and then. And one day, I went to my mom's work when Neil was visiting Sally. I bumped into him on the way to the restroom, and apologized, blah blah blah. I told him that I liked the way his hair was styled, because it was some mess, and he just laughed and thanked me. Being the talkative person I am, I talked his ear off for 15 minutes before he told me he wanted to sit down, so we went to the casino coffee shop, and he bought me coffee. Since then, I get to see him every time he comes to visit Sally.

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