Mr. T does his banking at one of the banks in the lobby of the office building I work at, so I luckily had the chance to meet him and shoot the shit with him for a while roughly 3 years ago. He may be one of the nicest people I'e ever met.
First, he was not recognizable unless you knew you were looking for Mr T. Scruffier beard than usual, no chains, and he was wearing a bucket hat, so couldn't see a mohawk. He was also in workout clothes because as he said, he had just gotten back from the gym.
He proceeded to explain how he also had been donating clothing to goodwill that day, and how "unlike most celebrities who will call TMZ when they do a good deed, he just likes doing good things." He also filled us in on his plans for an upcoming snickers commercial and a WOW commercial.
I'm a Philadelphia native and naturally Rocky is a part of that city, so I wanted to make a Clubber Lang joke to him about his losing to Rocky, but after talking with him for a few minutes, he was seriously too nice to crack a joke at. He passed on his mother's life advice - "kill 'em with kindness," and I thought I was listening to a Mr. T PSA.
Also, which always surprised me, he's only 5"10 - I'm 6"5, so I was pretty surprised to be dwarfing Mr. T. He had to get on with his day, and I sadly had to get back to work, but he remembered the conversation it seems.
A week later, he brought in a box of "Mr T In Your Pocket" for the few of us he was talking to that day.
tl;dr Mr T is the one of the nicest people alive, loves talking to fans and even brought us gifts the next time he was around.
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