Me and my best friend met Val at wizard world comic con in Sacramento.
We were super excited to met him and get a photo op with him, I wasn't going to expect to be nice or friendly over the years Val Kilmer had a reputation of being a total asshole on set, difficult to work with, and being rude to other people.
So we waited in line for the photo ops we were next, we saw him and it was really sad. He looked fragile old and skinny because he was battling throat cancer it was hard for him to talk because his tongue was swollen of course I said hi to him and he said hey back with a swollen voice and made a little small talk, so we gotten a picture together and I told to say "I'll get drive thru" and he said it, me and my friend look at each other and said OMG!
And my friend said I KNOW RIGHT!? We were in shock when he saw how Kilmer looked it was just sad, but at least I have a picture with him.
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