Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

17th Feb 1981 (44 years old)

He's the raddest, sweetest motherfucker on the face of the planet.

This happened about two years ago when I was in New York and decided to stop off at some random coffee place on my way to meet with some friends. Just to set the scene a bit; this is a rather small coffee shop with maybe 10 tables seating two people each and every table has at least one person at it. Basically, I walked in, bought my tea, and sat down to go on my computer while I had some time to kill. Whilst browsing the internet, a somewhat familiar voice asked if they could sit with me while they drank their coffee. I instantly became curious, looked up, and right in front of me was Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Holy. Shit. I tried to keep my cool, as to not freak the guy out, and told him that I didn't mind. Fast forward a few minutes, something started a conversation and we ended up sitting there for about two hours just talking about shit. He even bought me another tea when I was finished with the one I bought. For that two or so hours, this guy literally made it seem like I've known him for years, like we've been best friends our entire lives. It was insane. Because of this, the people I was supposed to meet left without me, and didn't believe a word I said when I met up with them later that evening.

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