I was working in a mall kiosk selling cellphones. One night, some lady came in and wanted a handsfree headset. She asked if it would work with an out of country phone (I was in Vancouver then). I said of course.
She came back later that night and said it didn't work. We had just set up the kiosk and I was unable to do refunds so I sent her (in the rain, mind you) to the main store down the street.
The next day, she comes storming up to the kiosk. My work buddy goes - holy shit, it's that woman...and she brought Arnie with her!
The lady starts screaming at me for making her go out in the rain when the other store was closed (oops), all the while Arnold Schwarzenegger is standing behind her, looking confused and talking German to his friend.
Turns out she was his personal shopper. Very surreal. This was in the 90s.
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