Nathan Fillion

Nathan Fillion

27th Mar 1971 (53 years old)

"Holy shit, Nathan Fillion!"

I was once at a convention when I came around a corner, and came up short as I almost ran over Nathan Fillion. The words out of my mouth were, I think 'Holy shit, Nathan Fillion!' To which he replied 'Holy Shit, you're right!' in a surprised tone. I told him I was a fan of all his work, he smiled and said 'Thanks, want an autograph?' I thanked him but said I'd already gotten him to sign my Firefly box set a few years earlier, to which he replied 'So THATS how you knew who I was...' very funny delivery. Shook my hand, went on his way. As he left I said 'I loved you in 2 Guys & a Girl!' and whoever he was with burst out laughing.

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