I can confirm that Lawrence Fishburne is an ass.
I was at the press conference for his first CSI season and none of us were allowed to bring photographers or cameras. Instead, CBS had their own official photographer and we were told they would provide the photos.
The first sessions went off without a hitch - we were able to ask his co-stars questions, they answered and left. The photographer was taking photos the entire time.
When it was Fishburne's turn, in the middle of his session, he stops, holds up his large hand and tells the photographer, "Can you stop that? It's very distracting."
The photographer was at the back of the room, it wasn't like he was hovering like some paparazzi. And hello, he had been hired by the freaking studio.
The photographer was really cool about it though, he said, "Sorry, man." Then he stopped taking pictures.
Seriously, if some guy taking your photo from the back of a room is distracting, then you shouldn't be an actor.
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