I Got Stoned With Woody Harrelson

I was living in a notoriously green college town, going through my stoner phase, when my neighbor came pounding on my door, shouting, "Hey, Woody Harrelson is accross the street". Well, there is a little theater that plays independent films, and Woody Harrelson was in town supporting a documentary about biofuel. I don't know what happened, I am usually shy but me and another girl found a hole in the security fence and snuck around his bus and he saw us, and invited us inside. They were cool, just like the normal potheads in my neighborhood. At the time , I was supposed to take a U/A for a job in a few weeks. But when they whipped out the vaporizer and asked if we wanted to try some premium medical mj I couldn't say no, I mean it's Woody Harrelson. So we sat on the floor on these giant hemp covered pillows. I got so stoned and he asked us all what we thought of our beloved furor (It was the George W. era) . We had a relaxing discussion about good old George and about biofuel, and then his manager showed me the foods he eats, some green algae stuff since he is vegan. I ended up being upset with myself that I was that obsessed to meet Woody Harrelson that I smoked weed and failed my U/A. It really screwed things up for me. But I still like Woody Harrelson, he's great.

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