

15th Feb 1969 (56 years old)

I Hung out for two nights with lil Wayne and birdman.

I played baseball and we had a weekend series near Miami. We got into Miami pretty early, and I had never been to miami so I drove the 45 minutes to this big mall. I went into lids and struck up a conversation with this nice black dude. I had my teams shirt on and he had heard of them. He said his cousin played college ball at some small school, I don't remember where honestly. He said it was nice to meet me and he would be at south beach that night if I wanted to come chill. I said I doubt it since I was there for baseball. He gave me his cell number and said hit em up anyways. Well it starts raining later that night and the game gets cancelled and it was obvious we weren't playing the next afternoon. I was bored in the hotel and so I call that dude up and tell him me and a team mate are gonna check out south beach. He tells us to come meet him at "the hit factory". Well we get there and its gaurded by a gate with some big old black lady. She tells us to leave blah blah. There were four guys playing dice outside and one of them was my new buddy...He runs up and tells the lady to let us in...this is where it hits me who he is. My teammate whispers to me something like holy shit that's birdman. I don't listen to rap so I was like huh.. then I see lil Wayne. I know who he is because well, who doesn't. Along with them was a nice dude pharell ? And the last dude turned out to be Rick Ross. Turns out the hit factory is a damn recording studio that is bad ass. They were just making some tapes and rapping. We got to sit in the studio and listen to them argue over beats and hear them do some rhymes... We ended up chilling at night for two days. Honestly they were very polite and well spoken when not rapping. Atleast more so than I would have thought.....
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