I managed to sneak inside the backstage area after a Dio concert
I managed to sneak inside the backstage area after a Dio concert. My friend was too scared to "get caught", so he waited outside for me.
The guy was one of the nicest persons (celebrities) I've ever met so far. We talked for about twenty minutes about more or less everything. I had totally forgot about my friend for those twenty minutes we had talked, but I asked Dio if it was okay for a friend of mine to come inside as well. I called my friend and told him that Dio said it was okay for him to come inside. My friend is extremely modest and told me that he didn't want to bother him. I then asked Dio if he could ask him to come inside. He took my phone and talked. "Hey, it's Ronnie, do you want to...". My friend hung up (he later told me that he really regretted doing it).
We talked a bit more until Dio asked me if I smoked. I told him that I didn't smoke, he just smiled and chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean that kind of smoke". He introduced me to my first joint. After he had smoked me out he asked me if I was hungry.
We got served Italian food. Dio drank red wine with his food and I could wish for whatever drink I wanted. After the dinner he thanked me for staying for dinner and told me it was always a pleasure to hang out with fans.
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