The place was Bonnaroo, which is a vast farm area being constructed into a musical festival every year. I had donated money toward the monetary assistance for a person who was in need of a heart transplant. NIN had posted a month before the meet that you could donate a certain amount of money and gain a meet & greet with them at a list of offered concerts. I hurriedly made the decision to benefit both the person in need (all the money went to the charity) and my dream of meeting them.
Jump to the meet and greet, it was the second day of the Roo. NIN had arrived, and I had received a message to meet one of their assistants to upgrade my bracelet (I also had a friend with me who got the same luxury for free). I got to be in the VIP section for the rest of the days!
When it came time to meet, we were handed stickers to place on our clothes for quick identification. Then we were taken behind the stage...and there they were! All of them were very friendly. I was incapacitated with sudden anxiousness and excitement.
Then the man behind it all appeared right in front of me. I was awe-struck. I think I shook his hand like 4 or 5 times. My friend was in front of me and kept asking him a series of questions of geekiness intrigue. I was just thanking him and all of them a million times.
We got to get a picture with them too! I think the best part of the whole meet & greet was actually hanging out back stage watching them as they performed. I can now say that I met an Oscar winner and was on the Who stage at the Roo.
NIN is just too awesome. I think all of them including the mastermind are extremely talented individuals.
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