I offended a Celebrity Crush that I had for several years

I worked at Long Beach Airport for TSA back in 2003 and was working the Baggage X-ray/Inspection Line when Rose McGowan came through my line. I had been a fan of hers for years and loved her Independent film career (The Doom Generation, Lewis & Clark & George, etc). All of which she appeared nude in, if you're interested and didn't already know. So I asked for her autograph (which is against government policy) and as she hands me the autograph I blurt this out, "I'm a really huge fan...I love all your B movies." She gets visibly agitated and responds, "I don't make B movies, Shannon Tweed makes B movies. I make Independent Films!" I am mortified...

Other stories for Rose McGowan

I was drunk

I met her while fairly drunk once... I didn't recognise her but I kept...

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Inebriated and obnoxious

Some friends of my sister's came across Tila here in Las Vegas as she...

We held him hostage

Growing up in NYC I have had many run ins with celebrities and I...

A real fan

About 7 years ago in New York, I met Dan Aykroyd when he saw...
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