Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

22nd Jun 1949 (75 years old)

I... said no

Not a crazy story, but nevertheless. Was working in a small clothing boutique in NYC when one day Meryl Streep showed up along with a woman who I assume was her friend. The friend, by the way, was visibly pregnant. I was absolutely floored and flabbergasted to be assisting Meryl Streep, and totally lost my mental bearings. So Streep is in the dressing room while her pregnant friend is sitting on a couch. The friend kindly asks me if she can use our restroom. Flabbergasted, I... said no. I said she couldn't. I don't know why, I guess I was just used to telling people we didn't have a public restroom. I told Meryl Streep's pregnant friend that she couldn't use our restroom. Fuck.

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