I took a punch square on the jaw from the greatest ever
I met Mohammed Ali on a flight from Germany several years ago. I was about 15 then and I went to ask him for an autograph when I saw him standing in one of the aisles.
He couldn't talk at all (because of his sever Parkinsons) and he basically just scribbled on the paper - like 3rd grade level scribbles - and I looked down on the scribbles, confused, and then I told him "It's an honor to meet you, sir," and he attempted to smile and give me a kind of faux-punch on the cheeks, but because he's jittery as hell it actually was like a semi-real punch.
My face in moderate pain and shock, I stared at him for a couple seconds and just walked away. I still have that scribbled paper, too, all these years later.
I took a punch square on the jaw from the greatest ever. No regrets.
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