I tried to insist that Zach Galifianakis wasn't a celebrity

I walked past Zach Galifianakis while wondering around the airport in Charlotte, NC during a lengthy layover back in 2002. He hadn't really been on the scene very long at that point, and I didn't know who he was except that he looked familiar. Curious, I tailed him for a few minutes before stopping him and asking, "Hey, you look really familiar, are you from [my hometown]?" (Keep in mind I'm 17 at the time). He sortof chuckled and said slyly, "Nope, I don't think so man." I persisted and said, "No, I'm pretty sure I know you. Did you go to [my church growing up]?" He definitely got a laugh at this and replied, "Sorry man, that's not it either." I kept trying and said, "I swear I know you from somewhere!" and he finally relented and said, "Have you seen Out Cold?" I whiffed on that softball entirely and simply responded, "No, why?" He wasn't phased by my unintentional dig on his celebrity, and tried again, "Well that was a movie I was in. Do you watch any standup on Comedy Central?" That one finally jarred my memory, and I blurted out, "Ah, Fat Jesus!" (it was a bit he did in one of his standup specials). He had another laugh over it, and I think I tried to salvage the encounter by telling him how funny I thought he was. He definitely took it in stride, and he parted with a casual, "Thanks! Cool, well, later man."
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