Some years ago I was able to attend the "Land of the Dead" premiere in Pittsburgh. As everyone took their seats, I heard everyone in the theater begin to scream and cheer. I turned around to see Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez walk in (along with other guys like George Romero, Tom Savini, and other guys who starred or worked on the film).
Tarantino and Rodriguez sat a few rows in front of me while everyone swarmed them for autographs and to just talk to the guys. I wasn't able to get near and even had trouble after the movie (I shook Tatantino's hand in passing as he was talking a mile-a-minute to somoene else).
As I got outside and into the lobby, I turned around for a minute, just to get a look at the theater one last time. Directly behind me was Simon Pegg. We just stared at each other. Neither of us broke eye contact.
Finally I said,
"Hey, I just wanna shake your hand"
"Sure" shakes hand
"So, uh. Enjoy the movie?"
"I did, yeah. You?"
"...I like your shirt"
Having him compliment my shirt meant the world to me.
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