When I was 18 I was working as an extra on a movie set. The movie at the time was 'Shooter' and I was in the crowd (in a big open empty field ) with a green screen when the president was shot in the head by a sniper.
In between scenes, I was out in other side of the field with some other extras playing soccer when Mark Whalberg heard the ruckus we were making from his trailer and he came out to play soccer with us.
It was definately awesome and he offered to be the goal tender and I managed to put one past him. The conversation went like this:
"I SCORED WITH MARK WHALBERG! (total freudian slip).. AAKK, I mean, I SCORED ON MARK!... I mean.. uuhhmm.."
I was totally at a loss for words, visibly cringing that I made an ass of myself and just started going beet red. I made him laugh pretty hard and he called me cute.
It was awesome.
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