I would love to be able to tell him how funny he is in person
Sometime in 2012 my husband and I were watching Wanderlust.
The scene where Paul is talking to himself in the mirror had to be the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.
We rewinded it over and over and in my head I said “I would love to be able to tell him how funny he is in person”.
December 8th, 2012 my husband are in NYC for a weekend trip. We walk by the Cort Theatre look up and the marquee has Paul’s face on it. He was starring in a play called Grace. The next show was in 30 minutes and within 10 minutes we were sitting down ready to watch the show.
After his amazing performance, we leave and notice people gathering to get autographs. He was the last one out and no one was talking but I wanted to tell him so badly how funny I thought he was in Wanderlust but hesitated because I didn’t know if that was considered rude having just seen him perform in something completely different.
I thought now was my chance and as I started to blurt it out, someone else decides to talk to him. Ugh! But he did hear me because he said “thanks for the compliment on Wanderlust” signed my bill and was on his way.
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