Sting came into the strip club where I work. I didn't speak to him, though I did see him and he wasn't up to dress code (shorts, flip-flops [who the fuck wears flip-flops in a strip club?]), but he's Sting, and celebrities can be good for business.
He went into a private room with some of the dancers. Some of the waitresses were complaining about him; asking for comps, not tipping, being grabby, etc. Then a few of the dancers complained. The GM had heard enough. He confronted him and Sting threw a hissy fit. GM told him he had to leave.
Sting starts leaving but is throwing out standard celebrity threats, "I'll ruin this fucking club", "I'm going to tell everyone how I was treated here", etc.
As Sting neared the exit, the GM waited for just the right second to have the last word and yelled, "Stay the fuck out of my club, I don't care if you are Rod Stewart!". I like to think, of all the things you could say to a egotistical celebrity, misidentifying him has to hurt the worst. I loved that GM.
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