In Mountain View with a load of girls

I would say this happened around 2006ish, can't remember exactly. I was working for a large tech company and we had our annual meeting in Mountain View. We were staying at the Four Seasons hotel. We had all heard that JT was there, but most of us guys were playing it cool. Mostly because he was still largely known for NSync. Fast forward to that evening, we are all sitting at the bar of the hotel and one of the younger guys is pretty hammered with his back facing the entrance to the bar. He is talking about how JT is this and JT is that, getting a lot of laughs (mostly due to how drunk he was, not funny). About that time in walks Justin, SURROUNDED by a bunch of girls. I am not kidding there were a ton of them and not a single dude around. Of course he overhears and lets it ride for a while before he waves and asks how everyone is doing. We all died laughing at our friend and he never lived it down.

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