It. Was. Awesome.

I used to host a bar trivia game. During an average night, just like any other night, I had someone come up to me to argue about one of my answers. This happened to be a science question and I happened to know that I had the answer correct but the customer wouldn't accept that he was wrong. As it happened I was in Ithaca, NY at a college bar. You know who hangs out at college bars in Ithaca, NY? People who go (and went) to Cornell. You know who went to Cornell? Bill Fucking Nye. You know who was playing trivia in the back of the bar that night? Bill Fucking Nye. I had an asshole arguing with me about a science question and I fucking whipped out Bill Fucking Nye to set him straight. Bill was super gracious. He took the mic and not only verified my answer as correct but he went on to explain the science. It was the highlight of my trivia-hosting career. Put yourself in my place... You're arguing with someone who refuses to give up even though you know you're right, and you bust out the most recognizable authority on the subject to back you up. It. Was. Awesome.

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