I live in NY. I somehow came across 3rd base line seats to a Yankees game.
I was sitting down next to my mom just before the opening pitch in our seats. She looks over and says "there is someone sitting next to you that you definitely know, he's a rapper or an actor or something".
I take a look over and its Jay.
It was already an incredibly beautiful evening out and I was sitting 3rd Baseline front row at Yankee Stadium (the old one). So adding Jigga to the night just made it ridiculous. I turned to my mom and said that if I was dreaming this I wouldn't have believed it in the dream. It was just bonkers man.
I am a HUGE Jay-Z fan and was just trying not to geek out too hard on him.
So I turn to him and say "Shit, how'd you get these tickets they must be giving them away to anyone." He laughed pretty hard and that was my "in".
Sat there for about 3 hours talking to him about sports and music. He was cooler than just about anyone I had ever met ever.
He bet me 20 bucks that A-Rod would hit a home run in the 5th inning and lost. Jay-Z gave me 20 dollars.
It was a boss evening to say the least.
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