He is one of the most unabashed human beings I've ever met. He is completely exposed and out there. And a naturally hilarious motherfucker.
Met him in a Target once while he was looking at stuff in the toy section. I went to say "Hi" and he caught my approach in his peripheral I guess and turned really quick and said really loud "I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK, JUST PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!". I had no fucking clue what to do so I just started laughing and he was like, "Like that? I said that shit to Eric Bana once and that motherfucker didn't laugh at all." I shook his hand and told him how awesome I thought he was.
Chillest guy, lots and lots of thank yous from him. I told Kevin Smith that story at a signing once and he said, "Please believe me when I say that I've heard much weirder stories about that boy."
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